The one-room school in Sanctuary Village
overflows with kids from all over the world
arrayed in rows at desks made of bark.
At the back, a mom brought her baby,
a daughter who clutches mom’s dress,
and a son who shows off his Nike shirt.
Beside them 3 little girls try to cope:
the biggest clenches her fist,
the littlest grasps an incongruous charm,
and a brave girl raises her hand.
In front of them, these kids discover new notebooks.
But this girl sits alone. Everyone here is a refugee. 
What did she lose?
Crouched at the other side, 
she’s 14 and sees no path forward.
What can this school do for her?
The brightest spot in this story of the one room school
is at front: a colorful map of the world
and the children’s delight.
This part of Sanctuary 3 is still in progress. 
It won’t be in a black box (that’s just for the photo).
Next the school gets a grass floor
set against an 18 ft. mural. 
That will happen in August!
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