Now come the men in this installation
carrying their children
to sanctuary.

This father will kneel on the gallery floor,
baggage on his back,
enfolding his child…

…both of them screaming.

His hands clutch the baby
as its hand grabs onto him.

His watch stopped at 5:59
when the guards took away his child…

…who dropped this toy dog.

The next man’s story is in his face
(drawn in charcoal and pastel on raw canvas
like most figures in this series).

He carries his daughter
wrapped in one of the burlap bags
used throughout this installation.

She’s cradled in his hands.

Her slim fingers hold the rough blanket
as if it might protect her

But at the bottom of the canvas
he stands behind a barrier
of jagged metal wires.

Will he find a way to bring her through
or is he handing her over
for someone else to take
to sanctuary?